4.35kW system in Soberton

Jinko 435w solar panels mounted on a garage roof.


This customer could not have solar on their house, but had a garage that had good space. The only issue was that the roof was angled towards North, rather than South. We designed a mounting system to reverse the pitch of the garage roof to help the panels point in a southerly direction to maximise the amount of sun the panels would get.


Jinko 435w solar panels mounted on a garage roof.


The customer also lived in an area prone to power outages and therefore wanted a back up option to power the house in event of a power cut. We suggested a Tesla Powerwall and Gateway.


Jinko 435w solar panels mounted on a garage roof.


The system comprises of:

10x Jinko 435w solar panels

Growatt 3600w string inverter

Tesla Powerwall 2

Tesla Gateway

Bespoke mounting system


A Growatt 3600w string inverter mounted on a garage wall.

A Tesla Powerwall 2 and Gateway installed in a customer’s home.


The system is expected to generate over 3300kWh of energy per year, which could save the customer around £700 in the first year of the system’s life.


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